
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Date: 6/30/2014 12:08:13 PM
Subject: Jardim Irajá, Quero ser lá!
Olá, Olá Irajá!
It has been a very different week working downtown Ribeirão Preto. Actually, Campos Elíseos and our area in Irajá touch borders (heehee) so I am really not far from home at all, but the work here is very different. Campos Elíseos was almost a little town separated all on its own without the big city feel. Irajá has tons of huge skyscrapers and we use the ônibus at least twice a day. There are tons of people to talk to in the streets and we work mostly in large apartment buildings instead of houses. There is no way we will be knocking doors here! There wasn´t really any investigators here when we got here but we are working a lot with some awesome menos ativos e recem-conversos. They and lots of references from other missionaries are keeping us busy. We are working in Centro and also a little sleepy town called Bonfim, that is outside of the city a little bit. It is an area much bigger than Campos Elíseos and I know our planners will always be filled with things to do!
We are living with Síster Kunkel from Washington who is training Síster Sena from Acre, Brasil. This is the first time I have really experienced watching another Síster be training fresh, and it is super fun to help her transition into missionary life. Síster Hoggan and I were actually able to attend the welcome ceremony of the novinhos because the mission office is in our area now and we were walking past when the Presidente was walking in. It was super fun and I just love being a missionary! Síster Sena is a little shocked I think to be with three other Americans, but she is handling it well and will be a super forte missionary. I am super excited for this transfer and to live with them both!
I have huge respect for Presidente Brum. He is so wise and kind and wonderful. We are working a lot closer with him now as Síster Treinadoras and because we work in Centro in the area of the office and the mission home. He knows exactly how to give good counsel and knows exactly what we need. I have so much to learn from him. We have interviews with him again this month which I am really excited for. Presidente Brum is very inspired and called of God.
I love you all! Thanks for the wonderful package Emma!
Síster Marchant
P.S. Last week we made a movie of missionary work with Tiago the day before we left Campos Elíseos. I haven´t seen it yet but it sounds pretty amazing!

Muito obrigada Presidente Brum,
Esta semana foi um pouco diferente mas foi boa ainda. Nós ficamos em casa algumas horas extra por causa da copa e porque pessoas vieram para consertar nossa casa. Mas agora graças aos executivos financeiros e o senhor, temos um parede, chuveiro, pia, gás, forno, e luz consertada. Muito obrigada! Nosso apartamento é perfeito agora! Estamos prestes a trabalhar muito arduamente esta semana.
Síster Kunkel e Síster Sena são maravilhosas. Elas são muito dedicadas e sempre estão felizes e divertidas. Eu tenho muito respeito para Síster Kunkel como um treinadora e líder em geral, e Síster Sena está aceitando tudo e aprendendo rápido. Elas vão ter muito sucesso esta transferência eu acho. Vai ser diferente para cuidar todas novas Sísteres e vou sentir falta de nossas outras Sísteres lindas, mas também é uma oportunidade rara e maravilhosa a conhecer tantas Sísteres diferentes e viajar para outra áreas. Estamos orando muito pelas nossas Sísteres, e eu sei que o Senhor ajudará a gente a saber o que falar para ser um instrumento nas mãos Dele, porém pequeno.
Jardim Irajá é uma área maravilhosa! Nós temos TANTOS referências para contatar e estamos dando muitos também. Parece que quase nenhum contato que nós fazemos na rua é para nossa área, mas nós estamos recebendo muitos referências de outras duplas, que nós sempre temos muitos pessoas visitar ainda. Irajá é muito diferente de Campos Elíseos, mas é muito maravilhosa também. Nós estamos buscando muitos novos agora e ainda começando conhecer todos os menos ativos, recém-conversos e membros que estavam aqui antes. Vou demorar MUITO tempo para aprender todos os nomes! Tem sido um pouco difícil determinar todos os horários dos ônibus, mas nós conseguimos chegar em casa no horário certo todas as noites. Temos MUITAS coisas para aprender aqui.
Tivemos uma experiencia bem legal ontem. Estávamos buscando uma referência, Antônio. Ele não estava em casa mas seu vizinho José estava. Ele falou conosco que Antônio provavelmente não seria interessado, e que ele não estava também. Nós começamos falar muito com ele, e ele apareceu muito triste e sem propósito em vida. Ele falou que ele não acredita em Deus ou Jesus Cristo porque ele já sofreu tanto e não pode imaginar um Deus que permitiria que alguém sofresse tanto. Ele tem depressão e não muita esperança com respeito a Deus. Nós prestamos testemunho muito forte e deixamos um Livro de Mórmon marcado com 3 Néfi 17 que mostra o grande amor que Cristo tem para conosco. Foi uma lição simples mas muito poderosa, e senti o Espírito Santo trabalhando em mim mais do que tenho sentido faz tempo. Trabalhando com o Espírito Santo em seu lado é a melhor coisa no mundo. Sempre quero ser digna deste guia e amigo. Não posso fazer nada sem Ele. 
Estou feliz e animada continuar encontrar pessoas de ouro aqui em Irajá e também fazer divisões em outra áreas. Vai ser um transferência maravilhosa!
Síster Marchant

P.S. Eu ouvi falar que a serão da obra missionária foi maravilhosa em Campos Elíseos! Queria estar lá e sou muito grata por meu tempo naquela ala fantástica! Obrigada Presidente!
English Translation
Thank you President Brum
This week was a little different but it was still good. We stayed at home a few extra hours because the canopy and why people came to fix our house. But now thanks to financial executives and you, we have a wall, shower, sink, gas stove, oven, and repaired light. Thank you! Our apartment is perfect now! We are about to work really hard this week.
Sister Sister Kunkel and Sena are wonderful. They are very dedicated and are always happy and fun. I have much respect for Sister Kunkel as a coach and leader in general, and Sister Sena is accepting everything and learning fast. They will have much success this transfer I think. Will be different for all new care Sisters and will miss our other beautiful Sisters, but it is also a rare and wonderful opportunity to meet so many different Sisters and travel to other areas. Praying hard for our Sisters, and I know the Lord will help us to know what to say to be an instrument in His hands, however small.
Irajá Garden is a wonderful area! We have MANY references to contact and we are giving too many. It seems that almost no contact we make on the street is for our area, but we are getting many referrals from other pairs, we always have many people still visit. Irajá is very different from Elysian Fields, but is also very wonderful. We are now seeking many new and still getting to know all less active, new converts and members who were here before. I'll take a long time to learn all the names! It has been a little difficult to determine all the bus schedules, but we managed to get home at the right time every night. We have MANY things to learn here.
We had a cool experience yesterday. We were looking for a reference, Anthony. He was not home but his neighbor was Joseph. He told us that Antonio would probably not interested, and that he was not well. We started talking a lot with him, and he appeared very sad and aimless in life. He said he does not believe in God or Jesus Christ because he has suffered so much and can not imagine a God who would allow someone to suffer so much. He has depression and not much hope about God. We provide very strong testimony and left a Book of Mormon 3 Nephi 17 labeled showing the great love that Christ has for us. It was a simple but very powerful lesson, and I felt the Holy Spirit working in me more than I have felt for a long time. Working with the Holy Spirit on your side is the best thing in the world. Always want to be worthy of this guide and friend. I can do nothing without Him
I am happy and excited to continue to find people here Irajá gold and also make divisions in other areas. It will be a wonderful transfer!
Thank you,
Sister Marchant

PS I heard that the will of missionary work was wonderful in Elysian Fields! Wanted to be there and am grateful for my time on that fantastic cross! Thank you President!

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