
Monday, May 19, 2014

Hello dearest familia que eu amo!

This was a great start to the transfer. We had a few hard days when no one was home, but overall we had some awesome lessons and the week ended with a wonderful Sunday. It was ward conference, and the bishop and the rest of the ward have been working really hard the past two weeks to bring as many people as possible to Church this week. We had lots of miracles and ended up with a full chapel--with a higher frequency than I have ever seen here in Campos Eliseos: 121 pessoas. I don´t think I have ever been there with more than 100 people! The ward is working hard and we are seeing miracles daily. For Sacrament Meeting Presidente Brum came and spoke to us! He spoke about the power of member missionary work and our mission plan for the family (to help members pass out Books of Mormon, invite people to Church, and invite friends to meet with the missionaries). Presidente has such a strong testimony and a wonderful spirit about him. I love to hear him speak and to learn from his counsel. I am very blessed to be in this mission and to have Presidente and Síster Brum taking care of us. I know I will be protected and well-directed aqui.
Bishop Fabio gave a great talk as well about how much of a diference even the little things can do in missionary work. He talked about how Christ really has the power to do whatever He could ever want, but that He uses us humble servants on the Earth to move His work forward so that we can learn and be blessed. We have had maravilous experiences as we have shared the gospel and will continue to have these blessings as we continue to share what we know. After all that is said, the most important task on earth is to preach the gospel. I love Bispo Fabio and his family so much. They have changed my life and are great examples to me of how to fulfill callings and be a solid LDS family amongst much discord and dificuldade in this world. They are so kind to us and are like my second parents here in Campos Eliseos. Bispo is supportive of the work and will do whatever it takes to help us is our missionary efforts. He might as well just put on a badge himself the way he´s working sem fim.
Today we had an interesting experience in our apartment. The complex is cleaning the water tank or something and turned of the water for today. It´s a shame that the day they do this it is Preparation Day and the one day we really have to do laundry, wash the floors, wash the bathroom and cook at home. I never realized the wonderful importance of water or how much water we use every day. It is such a wonderful gift in our life to have running water! We have been running around town trying to find public bathrooms (which are not very common in Brazil) and saving every drop we have. Luckily we were forewarned so we filled up all of our bottles and buckets last night. I will never take water for granted again. We will only be lacking for a day (hopefully). I can only imagine not having running water in your house! We are a very blessed, or spoiled, generation We use water for everything. Water is a blessing in my life!
Life is great and going smooth. We are really excited for our tres meninas who will be baptized this next weekend! Pray for us that everything goes right. I love baptisms more than anything!
Beijos beijos,
Síster Marchant

Olá Presidente!
Aprendi muitas coisas esta semana. Síster Hoggan e eu estamos trabalhando muito para ajudar pessoas frequentar a Igreja. As novas melhores são que vamos ter três batismos este próximo sábado! Três meninas em uma família, Giovana (15 anos), Bianca (13), e Mariana (11) estão animadas ser batizadas logo. Foi um caminho longo para chegar aqui, mas finalmente elas estão prontas e dispostas entrar as águas. Síster Hoggan e eu estamos muito animadas e visitando elas todas as dias. Hoje temos uma reunião familiar planejado com elas que estou animada assistir.
Muito obrigada por suas palavras em nossa ala domingo. Senti o Espírito forte durante todos os discursos. Os membros aqui realmente são ótimos e estão mudando mais para nos ajudar mais. A desculpa mais comum que nos recebemos agora quando nos pedimos que membros ensinem conosco é, "desculpa, já marquei sair com outros missionários!" A ala, especialmente o bispo e presidente do sociedade de socorro, é animada e disposta ajudar e cuidar com todos nós oito. Vamos ver sucesso aqui. Todas as duplas tiveram pesquisadores na Igreja esta semana, e tivemos uma freqüência maior do que qualquer outro domingo em minha missão de 7 meses aqui em Campos Eliseos. Quero trabalhar muito arduamente e ensinar um monte de pessoas!
Fizemos divisões com Sister Casperson e Síster Rodriguez esta semana. Eu saí com Síster Casperson. Ela é uma missionária muito forte e não tem medo de nada. Ela está disposta fazer qualquer coisa que o Senhor pede. Foi muito divertido para mim ensinar algumas das pessoas aqui em Campos Eliseos que eu ensinei no passado quando não tinha tantas duplas, como o recém-converso Nesia. Síster Casperson é uma pessoa muito feliz e tem um espírito de alegria e tranquilidade com ela. Eu confiaria nela sem dúvida. Ela está ensinando muito bem e sabe os fundamentais bem. Sua grande desafio agora é para falar Português. Ela está melhorando cada dia e não tem medo nunca para tentar, ainda quando pessoas não entendem. Por causa disto eu acho que ela não vai ter muitos dificuldades logo. Ela entende quase tudo agora também, só tem problemas conjugar verbos, como eu também. Ela está fazendo muito bem e está feliz. A partir de 3 meses morando com elas, eu nunca vi ela com raiva ou muito triste. Síster Casperson é uma Síster com poder e trabalha com Síster Rodriguez muito bem. Ela é um exemplo bom para Síster Casperson também e é um líder excelente. Nós demos um treinamento sobre compromissos e a importância dar compromissos com tudo mundo em todas as lições. Também falamos sobre planejar quais compromissos dar antes de enter as lições. Esta dupla é maravilhosa, e eu amo morando com elas!
Esta semana foi tranquila. Tivemos alguns dias difíceis com quase ninguém em casa, mas ensinamos algumas lições ótimas e tivemos milagres. Foi um bom começo a esta nova transferência.
Síster Marchant
English Translation:
Hello President !
I learned a lot this week . Sister Hoggan and I are working hard to help people attend church . The best new is that we have three baptisms this coming Saturday ! Three girls in a family , Giovana (15 years ) , Bianca ( 13) and Mariana ( 11 ) are excited to be baptized soon . It was a long road to get here , but finally they are ready and willing to enter the waters . Sister Hoggan and I are very excited and visiting them every day . Today we have a family reunion planned with them that I'm excited to watch .
Thank you for your words in our ward Sunday. I felt the Spirit strong during all speeches . The members here are really great and are shifting more to help us more . The most common excuse we received us now when we ask that members teach us is , "sorry , already marked out with other missionaries ! " The wing , especially the bishop and president of the Relief Society , is excited and willing to help and care with all eight of us . Let's see success here . All doubles had researchers in the Church this week , and had a higher frequency than any other Sunday at 7 months my mission here in Elysian Fields. I want to work very hard and teach a lot of people !
We did divisions with Sister and Sister Casperson Rodriguez this week . I went out with Sister Casperson . She is a very strong missionary and not afraid of anything. She is willing to do whatever the Lord asks . It was really fun for me to teach some of the people here in Campos Eliseos I taught in the past when I had so many pairs, as the new convert Nesia . Sister Casperson is a very happy person and have a spirit of joy and tranquility with it . I trust her without a doubt. She is teaching very well and know the fundamental right. His challenge now is to speak Portuguese . She is improving every day and has never not afraid to try , even when people do not understand . Because of this I think she will not have many problems soon . She also understands almost everything now , just have trouble conjugating verbs , as I also do . She is doing very well and is happy . From three months living with them , I never saw her angry or sad . Casperson is a Sister Sister with power and works very well with Sister Rodriguez . She is a good example for Sister Casperson and is also an excellent leader . We gave training on commitments and commitments give importance to all the world in all lessons . We also talked about which plan commitments to enter before the lessons . This duo is wonderful , and I love living with them !
This week was quiet . We had some tough days with almost no one at home but teach lessons and had some great miracles . It was a good start to this new transfer .
Thank you,
Sister Marchant

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