
Monday, July 7, 2014

Hello there lovlies!
We traveled to São José de Rio Preto this week to do divisões. It is a city about 3 hours from here. We left Friday morning and came home late Saturday night. It was an adventurous little trip. We stayed with Síster Mapa, Síster Gusman, Síster Bécar, e Síster Morales. On Friday was another jogo do Brazil, so we had to stay inside for a long time to last out the crazy game. And yes, Brasil won and is on to the semi-finals. Wahoooooooo! This country is going crazy right now. I have never seen so much patriotism in my life, and I want to show that much for my own country. Speaking of which, happy fourth of July! We had our own little celebration with the other Sísteres in SJRP while we were inside with a dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread and patriotic American songs. (there were four of us Americans with Síster Mapa and Síster Bécar, não parece que elas são, mas sim, elas são). I love my country so much! I love Brasil so much too, but I never appreciated so many wonderful blessings that we have in our country. I love America.
We had a little mini miracle on the way home too. It only took 3 hours to get to SJRP by bus so we thought it would probably take the same time to get back, but they made more stops and it ended up taking 4 hours. We got home much later than we would have liked and still had to travel another half hour to get home in Jardim Irajá. We were waiting in the bus station for a long time and the bus was just sitting there without a driver (I guess he got a break at that time). We were waiting and waiting and hoping that he would come soon, because it was dark and starting to get dangerous and we were exhausted. Finally we decided to say a quick prayer, and during the prayer I felt a lot of peace and calmness. Immediately when we opened our eyes the driver was there starting up the bus. I don´t know if I have ever gotten an answer to prayers so quickly. The Lord really is watching out for us. When we do all we can to be obedient, the Lord will make sure that we are safe and protected. I have never had any major instance at all of problems with safety or health really. I am very blessed here as a missionary and I know that we are doing the Lord´s work.

I love you all tons!
Síster Marchant

P.S. We made a movie about missionary work recently with Tiago and the 8 of us missionaries in Campos Elíseos. I heard that it turned out really good and lots of people in Jd. Irajá acutally saw it and were talking about it. I think Tiago put it online on his facebook and he also said he sent it to you Mom and Dad? You should check it out! I haven´t actually seen it yet but I am really looking forward to!

Olá Presidente,

Esta semana foi um pouco diferente para a gente. Tivemos extras reuniões do conselho da liderança e um conselho da ala in Irajá, e conseguinte não trabalhamos tanto como queríamos em nossa área. Porém, encontramos um pesquisador de ouro. Estávamos tentando visitar um velho pesquisador quando encontramos ele na mesmo pensão. Se chama Carlos e conheceu a Igreja só brevemente quando morava em Bahia antes. Ensinamos a primeira lição a ele na rua e entendeu bem. Quando fizemos o convite batismal, ele falou, "Com certeza", e depois marcamos uma data. Nós pegamos uma carona para a Igreja esta semana. Ele nos ligou 8:40 e falou, "Síster, eu não pode ir a Igreja mais hoje--Eu não leu aquela parte que você marcou no Livro de Mórmon ainda!" Nós o acalmamos e falou que ele ainda pôde ir, e ele estava afora da casa esperando quando chegamos. Ele gostou da Igreja e falou que ele quer voltar. Carlos ligou hoje e falou que ele tem perguntas sobre o Livro de Mórmon e não quer esperar até amanhã. Em fim, estamos muito animadas para ele. Só ensinamos uma lição real para ele mas já recebemos muitas milagres. Estamos animadas continuar ensinando e ver ele progredir. Que uma bênção grande e de repente!
No resto de nossa área estamos procurando novos e tentando conhecer todos os membros. Têm muitos membros aqui que são muito alegres e simpáticos. Nós queremos e precisamos trabalhar com eles mais. Também tem alguns recém-conversos que são ótimos também. Eu amo trabalhando com recém-conversos. Eles são tão receptivos e querem fazer tudo possível certinho. Precisamos encontrar mais!
Viajamos a São José de Rio Preto esta semana. As sísteres lá estão fazendo bem. Fizemos divisões com Síster Gusman e Síster Mapa. Eu saí com Síster Mapa, e vimos muitos milagres. Foi um dia MUITO quente e Síster Mapa estava um pouco cansada fisicamente no começo, então fizemos uma oração sincero e começamos procurando um referência se chama Maria. Nós não sabemos qual casa foi esta pessoa dentro um grupo pequeno de casas, então começamos bater portas. A primeira casa deixou que nós entrássemos, e fizemos uma oração por uma senhora que estava bem doente. Foi uma experiência simples mas muito boa. A próxima casa nós batemos também deixou que nós entrássemos, e falamos muito com uma senhora sozinha que recentemente perdeu seus pais. Ensinamos a segunda lição (que acabamos de estudar aquele dia em doze semanas!) e o Espírito foi forte. Eu acho que ela tinha confiança em nós também porque o vizinho dela se chama Maria. Apareceu que não foi o mesmo que estamos buscando, mas esta Maria aparentemente precisa de muita ajuda também. Vimos muitas das ternas misericórdias do Senhor aquele dia. Sou muito grata por minha oportunidade trabalhar com os outas Sísteres aqui na missão. Elas são fortes.
Síster Mapa está fazendo muito melhor. Falamos muito sobre sua dupla. Foi legal que ela falou que ela percebeu que ela precisa amar Síster Gusman mais, e que não foi a culpa de Síster Gusman. Falamos sobre como nós podemos mostrar nosso amor para com um ao outro, e como estar feliz em todas as situações. Síster Mapa tem muito mais esperança agora do que a outra vez eu falei com ela, e acho que elas vão começar trabalhar muito bem juntas. Elas tem personalidades muito diferentes, mas posso ver que elas vão aprender muitas coisas importantes juntas por causa disso. Síster Mapa esta trabalhando bem e conhece a doutrina perfeitamente. Ela ainda tem dificuldade com a idioma. Mostrei como eu gosto de estudar (não só ler o Livro de Mórmon) e expliquei as coisas que sempre me ajudaram na idioma. Eu AMO português! Quero falar e continuar estudar português pelo resto de minha vida. Se ela só fala em português, acho que ela melhorará rápido. Ela tem muito potencial e ensina muito bem. Me trouxe muito paz estar lá com estas Sísteres. Síster Bécar e Síster Morales também estão fazendo muito bem e estão muito feliz. Nós estamos planejando voltar lá em algumas semanas fazer divisões com elas e ver como estão Síster Mapa e Síster Gusman mais pela frente.
Estamos bem e saudáveis aqui! Tenho MUITAS coisas melhorar e mudar. Dia por dia, estou aprendendo e tentando mudar meu coração. Eu amo esta obra.
Obrigada Presidente,
Síster Marchant
English Translation
Hello President,
This week was a bit different for us. We had extra leadership council meetings and council ward in Irajá, and therefore do not work as much as we wanted in our area. However, we found a prospector. We were trying to visit an old researcher when he found the same board. Carlos called and met only briefly when the Church lived in Bahia before. The first lesson taught to him in the street and well understood. When did the baptismal invitation, he said, "Sure," and then set a date. We took a ride to church this week. 8:40 He called us and said, "Sister, I can not go to church anymore today - I did not read that part you marked in the Book of Mormon yet" We calmed down and said that he could still go, and he was apart of the house waiting when we arrived. He liked the church and said that he wants to return. Carlos called today and said he has questions about the Book of Mormon and not wait until tomorrow. In the end, we are very excited for him. Only teach a real lesson for him but already received many miracles. Animated We continue teaching and to see him progress. What a great blessing and suddenly!
In the rest of our area we are looking for new and trying to learn all members. Have many members here that are very cheerful and friendly. We want and need to work with them more. We also have some new converts who are great too. I love working with new converts. They are so receptive and want to do everything possible just right. We need to find more!
We traveled to San Jose de Rio Preto this week. The sisters are doing well there. We did divisions with Sister and Sister Gusman Map. I went out with Sister Map, and saw many miracles. It was a day VERY hot and Sister Map was a little tired physically at first, so we made a sincere prayer and started looking for a reference called Maria. We do not know what this person was home within a small group of houses, so we started knocking doors. The first house left as we entered, and made a prayer for a lady who was very ill. It was a simple but very good experience. The next house we hit also left as we entered, and we talked a lot with a lady alone who recently lost their parents. Teach the second lesson (we just studied that day in twelve weeks!) And the Spirit was strong. I think she had confidence in us too because her neighbor called Maria. Appeared that it was not the same that we are seeking, but this Maria apparently needs a lot of help too. We saw lots of the tender mercies of the Lord that day. I am very grateful for my opportunity to work with the Sisters outas here in the mission. They are strong.
Map Sister is doing much better. We talked a lot about his double. It was nice that she said she realized that she must love Sister Gusman more, and that was not the fault of Sister Gusman. We talk about how we can show our love for one another, and how to be happy in all situations. Sister map has much more hope now than at another time I spoke with her, and I think they will start work very well together. They have very different personalities, but I can see that they will learn many important things together because of it. Sister Map is working well and know the doctrine perfectly. She still has difficulty with language. I showed how I like to study (not just read the Book of Mormon) and explained the things that always helped me in the language. I LOVE Portuguese! I want to talk and continue studying Portuguese for the rest of my life. If she only speaks Portuguese, I think she will improve quickly. She has so much potential and teaches very well. Brought me much peace be there with these Sisters. BECAR Sister and Sister Morales are also doing very well and are very happy. We are planning to go back there in a few weeks doing divisions with them and see how they are Sister Sister Gusman Map and more ahead.
We are well and healthy here! I have MANY things to improve and change. Day by day I am learning and trying to change my heart. I love this work.
Thank President,
Sister Marchant

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